| Anger is no better than the green-eyed monster we call jealousy. As many wise men have already put it simply, anger is only a weakness. |
| Do you care about what other people think of you? As a matter of fact, who doesn't? |
| When it comes to public speaking, you will be surprised how many people feel uncomfortable and overwhelmed with fear. However, delivering great presentations can be crucial for your career advancement. |
| If you want to be successful, you have to first study the life and habits of people who are already successful and wealthy. As it appears, regardless of their field of expertise, they all have a striking number of traits... |
| Тhere are signs that if you manage to read correctly would someway give an answer to your personal dilemma. |
| Creating positive and efficient work atmosphere plays major part in the company image. |
| Eddy Shinjuku's artwork is distinguished by highly acclaimed illustrations featuring fan-characters inspired by video games, movies and books, especially comics and animations. |
| Steampunk styles have always been considered as a deeply inspiring and immensely popular form of artistic representation. |
| The best jobs are never advertised and always hard to find. However, you can still hunt down new job opportunities if you design the right strategy and follow it. |
| Stress can seriously damage your physical and mantal health so reducing it has to be number one priority. |
| Toxic people don't appear with an warning label so you need to learn to identify them first and then to handle them in the most painless way possible. |
| There isn’t only one formula that you can apply. However, you don’t need to be the world’s expert to become popular in a social platform. |
| Words of wisdom tend to make strong impact on our lives and career. And who can offer the best piece of advice? That would certainly be today's successful entrepreneurs! |
| The world is a surrealistic universe as Cyril Rolando sees it. |
| Millions of people enjoy travelling. It’s the perfect way to take a break from your daily routine and trade your problems for the thrill of the open road. |
| Fantasy art explores imaginary visions, dream state, space creatures and some disturbingly beautiful elements of the Goth art |
| Flavio Bolla created his first drawing at the age of 3. Ever since then he never ceased to amaze art lovers with his innovative vision of remarkable worlds. |
| Poland-based digital painter and concept artist creates magnificent digital portrait of Game of Thrones characters |
| The Witcher is a hugely popular (and addictive) video game, inspired by Polish writer Andrzej Sapkowski's fantasy book series. |
| Generally, summer vacations are for relaxing, however, when you take with you your smartphone, laptop and tablet, you can't help staying connected. |