Toxic people can be very exhausting and destructive. A major problem is that they are everywhere and if you happen to work in a dynamic environment, selling goods or providing services that requires meeting a lot of people every day, which means you have probably faced toxic people already and their bad influence. Some don't recognize the toxic people until they meet one. You may have coworkers that perfectly fit the toxic people profile but only after you spend enough time with a this type of person you can tell how unpleasant and exhausting experience you have had.
It is better for your mental health to stay away of toxic people. However, this is not as simple as it sounds, especially when you have toxic people who are your coworkers.
Toxic people don't appear with an warning label so you need to learn to identify them first and then to handle them in the most painless way possible.
Here are a few spotlights that would help you read the writing on the wall.
How to tell whether the person standing in front of you is toxic?
Most common traits and behavior toxic people have can be narrowed down to these:

Some mistake confidence with arrogance but there is a world difference between the two. When confidence is inspirational and motivates people to do good, arrogance can be annoying and intimidating, making people feel fear, kills their confidence and motivation. Arrogant people act like they are superiors and tend to look down on others.
Taking control

Most toxic people appear to be power-hungry and greedy, they want everything and everyone to be under their control. They are willing to kill every smart idea or voice of reason unless it is their own.
Play the victim-card

The victim behavior applied by toxic people is tricky and very dangerous. By provoking sympathy in others, they gradually come close to their main goal - being in control.

Toxic people are very much into gossiping. Be careful there because they may say something against your coworker only to provoke you and in the next moment they will turn against you and talk behind your back.

When someone has trust issues and is always resentful, suspecting everyone in betrayal, this is called toxic negativity. Too much of it inevitably kills trust and damages every relationship.

Everybody lies. Sometimes we tell but only for the right reasons. However, if you are not careful, this road may lead to you to become a chronic liar. Toxic people are constant liars. They lie everyone about everything. Once you've identified a toxic liar, never count on their words and promises.

Toxic people look as if they are never satisfied: with their life, career, loved one, children, and parents. They always complain about anything and this can be utterly exhausting for the people around. Be under no illusion – if you happen to be somehow in their social circle, be prepared to hear some complains about yourself, too.
Once you've recognized the person standing in front of you is a toxic type, you have to apply a special attitude. Toxic people are very difficult but not impossible to deal with.
If you follow these recommendable techniques, you will keep the stress levels to a minimum and make your life a bit more easy).
1. Control your emotions

Always set clear emotional boundaries that toxic people won't come through. By doing so, eventually they will learn when to stop.
2. Limit the physical distance with these people

The more limited your exposure to toxic people is, the less directly affected you will be. Cut interactions with the person to a minimum.
3. Negativity is not addressed to you personally

Toxic people generally have a negative outlook on life. Although the situation may seem too personal to you, that is probably not the truth. Therefore, think carefully before you answer to that negativity. Don't risk to worsen the situation. Control yourself and carry on.
4. It is not about the problem but the solution

When dealing with toxic people most of us tend to response too emotional but that is only making things worse. The best you can do is you is come up with a plan or develop a strategy that might solve the problem.