A recent study reports that more than 50% of Americans work while on vacation and this trend is about to grow bigger for the next few years. Generally, summer vacations are for relaxing, however, when you take with you your smartphone, laptop and tablet, you can't help staying connected. We are millennials after all, and we feel bizarre excitement in mixing work with pleasure. Working on a vacation is totally fine unless you don't overwork and burn out. That will certainly spoil your vacation.
The term "workation" has become very trendy for the last few years. When it comes to decision-making - whether to work on a vacation or leave behind all your duties in the office, there are advantages and advantages which everyone should weigh on their own.
Before you read on, take this advice:
If it is not urgent or necessary to do work, don't do it.
Enhances creativity
Many studies show that vacations are the most powerful creativity boosters. In the comfort of a nice stress-free environment with a spectacular view from window, people get relaxed and happy. By rule, being in good conditions, far from the workplace, reduces stress and increases productivity. When you like your job and feel relaxed in the place you are at the moment, there is nothing wrong with doing some work. You will be surprised how much you would enjoy working under these terms. Beautiful destinations usually create hugely positive impact on creativity. Whether you are a writer, a graphic designer or different kind of an artist, this could be a good chance for you to unleash your talent and create something you will be proud of later.
Foster a good image of you at work
You will leave your boss with very good impression of you when accepting to stay in touch with the office and remain available for some work during your vacation. If you strongly desire to climb the career ladder, sure, that is one of the ways to do that.
Psyching yourself up for the upcoming
Regular check on the emails won't prevent you from having a nice time. Plus, it is a good way to throw a glance at your upcoming work projects and psych yourself up. And you can always prepare better when you are aware of what is coming at work.
Cannot afford to turn down a client
Like it or not, truth is that some people (like freelancers) can't afford to miss a job opportunity or turn down a client that is important to them. Technology makes work east to be done even from long distance. Furthermore, it empowers workers to spend more time on a vacation as long as they stay connected and perform their duties like keeping in touch with clients via phone, emails and Skype, and check in with the office on a daily basis.

Some people don't feel good when they have to take work on their vacation, which is understandable. People go on vacation to set their mind in peace, relax and recharge the batteries. When their boss forces them to do some work, it spoils the pleasure and the whole idea of resting and having fun becomes pointless. In such cases, one has no other option except to accept things just the way they are and hope to finish the work as soon as they can.
Chances of burnout are high
Even workaholics need to unplug and take a rest for a while. Overworking is bad for your health because it leads to tiredness and exhaustion that last for very long periods.
Tendency to talk shop
A survey conducted by American Psychological Association reports that employees begin to feel exhausted due to the workload increasing. These who work on a vacation find it hard to stop thinking about work and talk shop almost all the time, which is boring for their friends and family.
If you are about to work on your vacation, it is important to maintain a good work-life balance, which means to set the right priorities. Your health comes first so make sure you don't get snowed under with run-of-the-mill tasks that will suck up all your energy and leave you with no desire to go out and have fun.
Think carefully – is your boss or co-workers are only asking you for a little help or giving you a tall order. Prioritizing is the key. If there are some insignificant tasks, put them on hold and focus only on the important stuff. Some people, on the other hand, don’t have he word “vacation” in their vocabulary. If you are one of them, you don’t have anything to worry about. Grab your sun glases and laptop and head to the beach.