| When was the last time you enjoyed doing something pleasant rather than work? As human beings we are all creatures of habits. We can adapt to anything, it's just a matter of time. We can easily get used to work... |
| Whilst some of them may seem like common sense to you, others are pretty serious and will probably make you think about it. The sooner you absorb their deeper meaning, the better. Most employees tend to forget that... |
| A summer vacation is not good enough without a decent read. From short stories and casual beach reads to engaging non-fiction and full-length deep dives, good stories make the best summer reads. We have come up with a list... |
| These shows may be gone, but not forgotten. |
| The special bond between a man a dog was formed a very long time ago. Ever since the ancient times a domestic dog’s main responsibility has been to provide protection to his owner, family and the house they live in. Furthermore,... |
| Let us find out who are the most famous TV and movie stars who share mutual distaste. |
| Never judge a book by its film adaptation. What type of fan are you: do you prefer books to movies or the other way around? Hopefully, the following reasons will encourage you to read more books. 1. Picture the... |
| Let's count down the actors who can play good as well as bad guys and maintain a high level of performance. |
| Jared Padalecki and Jensen Ackles play the two brothers Sam and Dean Winchester in drama-mystery-horror “Supernatural” directed by Erik Kripke. Series depict unnatural and horrifying events that happen in their lives.... |
| Summer is not far away, so it won’t be such a bad idea to start planning your vacation. The earlier you start, the better, they say. Most websites, blogs and travel agencies would offer you to go on a trip to the... |
| “Books. Cats. Life is Good.” - Edward Gorey It is a well-known fact that cats’ purring has an amazing anti-stress effect on humans. If you are under a lot of stress, but you can’t afford to have a cat, a solution... |
| Do you sometimes feel like watching non-American television? If you do, we would like to draw your attention to the nine popular modern series that French viewers become addicted to. Braquo Creator: Olivier Marchal Major... |
| “All that matters in business is that you get it right once. Then everyone can tell you how lucky you are.” – Mark Cuban You may have a tremendous amount of business fiction in your house, walls and walls of books but... |
| 'I have been, and always shall be, your friend. Live long and prosper', says Spock to Capitan Kirk in ‘Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan’ (1982). We feel very emotive about strong friendships between guys in life. As usual,... |
| Most couples want to get married in their hometown, to be in the place they grew up, in the company of their families, relatives and friends. However, others choose to break the tradition deciding to exchange vows not... |
| Do you consider yourself a true adventure travel enthusiast? If the answer is 'yes' then you must enjoy visiting unusual even terrifying places that take your breath away, make you think of your sins and pray for redemption. If... |
| The term "dystopia" was used for first time in 1868 by the famous philosopher Stuart Mill. He mentioned the word in a public speech in which he dared to criticize the British government's political approach regarding... |
| Adorable Images Of Squirrels Playing In The Snow by Vadim Trunov is an extremely gifted macro nature photographer. |
| They may be total badasses But we still find them awesome. |
| Beige, brown and gray are considered highly natural and warm colours. Traditional living room designs offer a variety of options, but light brown and beige-painted walls and furniture remain most popu |