'I have been, and always shall be, your friend. Live long and prosper', says Spock to Capitan Kirk in ‘Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan’ (1982).
We feel very emotive about strong friendships between guys in life. As usual, movies and TV series enhanced the concept by adding deeper meaning to the word ‘friendship’and took it to the next level. Some of you may find it surprising but the Age of the bromance has been here for quite a long time. We became familiar with the term "bromance" (brother + romance) after watching the sitcom "How I Met Your Mother". As you remember, it is one of Barney Stinson's catchy phrases. Looking back, we can see that there are plenty of examples for inspiring friendships between men. The ‘Lethal Weapon’ and ‘Bad Boys’ movies set a great example for a bromance between the principal characters. The same goes for ‘Lord of the Rings’ trilogy following the exciting, however not so pleasant, adventures of Frodo and Sam.
Let's take a look on the most inspiring bromances appeared on TV.
Spock and Captain Kirk (Star Trek)

True friends don't need words to understand each other. Knowing looks and Vulcan salutes would be enough. Mr. Spock (played by Leonard Nimoy) and Captain Kirk (William Shatner) set the most epic example of pure friendship. Their out-of-this-universe bromance has been bringing joy to fans for over 50 years.
Joey and Chandler (Friends)

The name of the show suggests that we are about to enjoy at least one pair of bromances, or womances. For obvious reasons, Joey and Chandler’s friendship stands out. These two nice chaps raised a couple of chicks and a duck together in their apartment. Chandler and Joey went through so much happy moments along with a few major disappointments. They supported each other in everything, made some tough life choices but remained united until the end of the show.
Vorenus and Pullo (Rome)

Julius Caesar and Mark Anthony made a significant partnership together in 'Rome" but they are not even close to Vorenus and Pullo’s bond. The TV show ran through two seasons. For the time being, Vorenus and Pullo's bromance grew big. They were fighting in battles side by side and supporting each other through emotional breakdowns. They both lost their families, and the only thing left was the long-term relationship they two had. Their personal stories made "Rome" such a compelling and meaningful TV drama.
Sherlock Holmes and John Watson (Sherlock)

Sorry, Robert Downey Jr. and Jude Law, and Lucy Lio and Jonny Lee Miller! it's not that you didn’t do a great job personifying the legendary twosome but Cumberbatch-Freeman team deserves more credit because their fantastic bromance is one for the ages. Holmes-Watson companionship is one of the oldest not only in history of movies and television but in fiction, too. We love the new sociopathic image of Sherlock Holmes solving crimes in modern-day Britain along with his partner John Watson. Sadly for the fans, series four is expected to be released not until 2016.
Ted, Marshall and Barney (How I Met Your Mother)

If you remember, Barney is the one who created the Bro Code and he was the first to use the terms like "wingman", "awsful", “insanulous". Practically, HIMYM's scriptwriters through character of Barney Stinson invented the word "bromance" and now we all use it in everyday speech. The three main characters Ted, Marshall and Barney build quite a fantastic relationship. They went through lots of hilarious situations like runaway brides, slapbets, crazy ex-girlfriends, love triangles so to keep us entertained all the time. Great job!
Stonebridge and Scott (Strike Back)

At its nature ‘Strike Back’ is more a guy movie and pretty similar to ‘24’. In fact, the series share the same genre. Released in 2010, the British series deliver highly original content that has everything to make the perfect TV action drama if you like one-man-army scenarios but played by two this time. There is hostage-taking, bombing, terrorist-fighting. In the eye of the storm of international politics come two guys, Sgt. Michael Stonebridge (Philip Winchester) and Damien Scott (Sullivan Stapleton). At first, they share mutual distaste. But over a number of risky missions, the landscape starts to change for them which reflects on the relationship. And a new bromance was born.
Michael Scofield and Fernando Sucre (Prison Break)

"Welcome to Fox River, fish!"
When you are in prison it's vital to make good relationships so you could survive. You can't imagine in what situations you might need help from someone you trust. Indeed, trust is a valuable thing when you're behind bars surrounded by criminals. Fernando Sucre is Michael Scofield's cellmate in Fox River State Penitentiary. Soon he becomes part of Fox River Eight - prisoners who attempt to escape. Through series of dramatic events that kept viewers on the edge of their seats, the breakout team manages to pass through the prison walls. However, the runaway seems to be the easy part of a dangerous game in which they all became involved. Sucre gives his full support and remains loyal to Michael throughout all the seasons.
Daryl and Rick (The Walking Dead)

They watch each other's back as if they were brothers. Actually, Rick has already declared Daryl as a brother and that he trusts him with his life. They have been through so much together and that is what makes their relationship that significant. Rick and Daryl will always count on each other, no matter what. They may not be thinking in a similar way every time but always respect each other's decisions. Such relationship is so profound that it doesn't need to grow more.
John Reese and Harold Finch (Person of Interest)

'Person of Interest’s cast is simply brilliant, everybody is extremely persuasive playing their roles. From the beginning there were early signs of a possible bromance between John Reese and Harold Finch and by the end of series two it did grow very big. As you remember, Reese was so desperate and losing ground when Finch was kidnapped by Root. Fortunately, Detective Carter was there to help Reese find and rescue Finch. However, there is one more bromance growing strong over series three ahs four, the one between Reese and detective Fusco, another interesting character, who adds certain charm to the show.
Fred Flinstone and Barney Rubble (The Flinstones)

What a great example for the ultimate bromance! These two fictional characters were so hilarious that we almost died laughing during the show. Originally, the adult animation comedy ran on ABC from September 1960 to April 1966. Can you imagine that these cartoon pals are 50+ years old and they can still make us laugh our heads off? How awesome is that! Apparently, Fred and Barney's bromance is one of the oldest in history of television and animated sitcoms.
At last, here are a few more honorable mentions:
- Jack Bauer and Tony Almeida (24)
- Javier Esposito and Kevin Ryan (Castle)
- Steve McGarrett and Danny Williams (Hawaii Five-0)
- Sam and Dean (Supernatural)
- Alaric and Damon (The Vampire Diaries)
- Leonard, Sheldon, Wolowitz and Raj (The Big Bang Theory)
- Julio and Andres (Grand Hotel)
- James Gordon and Oswald Cobblepot a.k.a. The Penguin (Gotham)
- Kennex and Dorian (Almost Human)
- Seth and Ryan (The O. C.)