When was the last time you enjoyed doing something pleasant rather than work?
As human beings we are all creatures of habits. We can adapt to anything, it's just a matter of time. We can easily get used to work under pressure and run through busy schedules. However, sometimes we tend to forget what it is like to take rest and enjoy a long-term break from work. Most people are so much attached to their responsibilities and daily routine that they can't imagine there might be other things that bring pleasure except working. Taking too seriously your job is not a bad thing. It's just that even workaholics need to have a break once in a while, relax and do meaningless things just for the thrill of it.
It's not necessary to apply for a leave just to get your productivity back. It's your habit of working that needs improving. Include short-time breaks in your working routine. Value your free time, don't spend it working. That will probably be quite a challenge for workaholics but the sooner everyone realizes how important is to do switch off the working mode, the healthier mentally and physically they will be.
If you haven’t got any idea what to do in your spare time, let us draw a little inspiration:
Try not to do anything

Funny as it may sound but doing nothing can be highly relaxing. It's common knowledge that lazy people tend to follow this rule. But don't be afraid, you won't become one of them. Many people can't stand doing nothing. They need to keep their mind busy, therefore, they try to be laborious. Note that immoderate workload kills happiness. Moreover, human body needs time to relax to restore the energy that drives the physical and mental abilities in good shape. Have you ever tried to do nothing or think about nothing? You should try it. Soon you will see the amazing effect that comes after you reach the state of full mindlessness. It frees your mind and improves your well-being. Practice that activity. Plan to do nothing for about ten minutes a few times per day and give yourself a chance to enjoy reality forgetting about deadlines and responsibilities for a while.
Do physical exercise

Spend some time doing physical activities - jogging, sit-ups and push-ups. Consider jump-rope workout for 10 to 15 minutes per day. This is a tremendous way to keep your body fit. Also think about how much gymnastics can improve your health. There is gymnastics for eyes and it is very suitable for people who spend most of their day in front of a computer monitor. In the same way, respiratory exercises can always be in your favour. Even if you spend five minutes per day doing any kind of physical exercise it will be worth it. Daily exercise will set you in a good mood and help you maintain a positive outlook on life.

Watch TV

There are plenty of entertaining programs and series people can watch on TV nowadays. Lying on the sofa, watching new reality show or funny sitcom, eating pop-corns or chicken fries from Burger King, what can be more satisfying?
Read a book

Reading is considered highly effective remedy against stress. Ask anyone familiar with this activity and they will tell you that it relieves the tension and make you feel relaxed. Furthermore, fiction-reading improves your analytical abilities and stimulates your creativity as well. Of course, not everyone enjoys reading. If you're not a booklover, then you should skip this advice and move on.

Go for a walk

Sometimes walking around by yourself can be very relaxing. People need to be left alone for a while. Most women choose to go shopping. This activity usually has a positive effect on their mood (but negative on their bank account). If you want to go shopping but your financial health isn't good at the moment, try browsing around. Visit as many shops as you want, try clothes on, but don't buy anything. Make up a decent excuse and leave the shop. No one can blame you, right?

Listen to music

You can always combine walking with listening to music. In this case, the effect should be even more powerful. Thanks to modern mobile tech devices people are able to listen music at home, at work (if you employee allows it) and on the go. Just make sure you won't get hit by car while you listen to music and walk across the street.

Take photographs

Another enjoyable activity that most people do in their free time along with listening to music, is taking photos. It’s a great and far more fulfilling way to beat the boredom by going out for a walk and take your camera with you. You never know what might happen. Surprise can be just around the corner. For example, you may come upon a festival, or a flash mob. Can you imagine how amazing will be pictures you take from these events?


This activity is suitable mostly for women but men are also free to unleash their potential if they want. Not only it is relaxing, but it also gives the opportunity to discover new levels of your creativity. Beginners may start with knitting a scarf. There are lots of tutorials on the YouTube that will help you learn the craft.
Anything can be turned to a source of entertainment. You can figure out yourself what kind of activities make you happy and calm. Practice them as often as you can and you will see it in time that you have turned from a work-obsessed and extremely tensed to a positive easygoing person and everyone enjoys your company.