| These ten great cities were lost for centuries before archaeology reclaimed them for history! |
| True Detective? Don't waste your time - watch Narcos instead! |
| From ancient Rome to World War II - there is something for everybody in our historical movies selection! |
| From the flight of the Wright brothers to conquering Space - how humanity strode in the field of technology throughout the 20th century! |
| The first five minutes of a movie can tell you how great it would be! |
| Technology and science have spoiled us to the point where we expect to have answers for everything. There are problems in many fields however that still cannot find their solutions. |
| Game of Thrones became a TV phenomenon the moment the first episode aired on HBO. Certainly, the books had a large and devoted following. But that is not enough to explain the global success of the show and the plethora of... |
| When you visit the big capitals and tourist centres of the world a stop of their famous museums is a must. |
| Brutal, bloody, raw or graceful and lethally beautiful - these are the top ten movie fights of all time. |
| The new era of visual masterpieces has changed cinema forever - and has created some truly wonderful fictional worlds. |
| Some of them sound like a page from a science fiction novel, but others might be closer to reality than we expect. |
| The queen of Hollywood has delivered some of the most iconic female performances on the big screen. |
| They need a single line or a scene in a movie to make it unforgetable! |
| Looking for the best place to start your online writing career? Try DailyTwoCents.com! |
| They come to remind us the world of movies can be a scary, horrid place. |
| The first episode of Season Two could not put the doubts away. |
| An embodiment of grace, beauty and power, of ambition and wisdom, of lust and cruelty - here are the top ten movie queens! |
| Modern and medieval, historic and fictional - these are the best kings we have seen in cinema! |
| Images of hope and tragedy - or how society changed throughout the 20th century. |
| The new wave of TV series has paved the way for a new kind of mood - no character is safe, death is round the corner for everyone! |