Your Favorite Childhood Murdering Characters Re-Imagined By Dan Luvisi

Your favorite childhood characters are coming for you! - 9 years ago by

This post is definitely not for the faint of heart. Today we will show a glimpse of the downright scary mind of Dan Luvisi. The LA-based digital concept artist has released an incredibly horrifying collection of some of our most beloved characters from the 90’s television, movies and cartoons but re-imagined into some pretty dark and at times even obscene childhood nightmares. In the series called “Popped Culture”, the illustrations some our favorite childhood characters have become a bunch of psychos, cold-blooded killers and monsters. He does not point a particular reason for why our long time heroes have gone bad to the bone, so we leave every scenario to your imagination. No matter what though the intriguing sense of humor in the series is undeniable (as seeing a bunch of characters from Sesame street become evil masterminds is not the most believable thing in the world). Whatever the case is here, Luvisi’s talent is without a shadow of a doubt incredible and he definitely managed to give us another perspective of the characters that we grew up with.

Here are Dan’s own words on how he got the inspiration to create this strange and yet intriguing and grabbing collection: “I was inspired by my childhood nostalgia, growing up on Disney and Nickelodeon cartoons,” LuVisi told Huffpost. “But what my intentions were to do, was combine that love with the dark underbelly of Hollywood and how it corrupts some of its many actors and actresses.”

Most of the illustrations are still for sale and are a part of the upcoming “Popped Culture” which is a collaboration with his longtime friend Alex Konstad. If you enjoy Dan’s work and his innovative take on your favorite characters, make sure to read the background (origin) stories of every picture in LuVisi’s blog. And most definitely check under the bed and in the closet before going to sleep! Good night!  
