We are so busy. In terms to provide good care of our families, meet high career expectations and maintain a fulfilling life standard, most of us tend to work on two jobs while others focus on only one but invest all their time, private and public, in it. Unwittingly, we become workaholics. Being devoted to work is not a bad thing, isn’t it? Of course, no.

However, since life have become so busy, working people don't have much free time. Sometimes , buried with piles of work people can't spare a few minutes only to have a cup of coffee or tea and relax. Truth is that we are so addicted to work and without knowing we find ourselves walking on a dangerous path. Life may be easier than decades earlier due to the electronic technology advancement, but all came with a price. As a result of overusing technology and being under much stress at work we have put in danger our physical and mental health. Unfortunately, we start taking care of our health after it is has already broken.
Never sacrifice your health for a some extra dollars!
Let us introduce you some easy self-care tips to boost your energy and improve your mental and physical well-being.
Vitamin intake
Food we buy from supermarkets is not to be trusted. Even when you eat much fruit and vegetables you cannot be sure wether they provide you with a sufficient amount of vitamins your body need to be hale and hearty. Your health will nebefit a lot if you take vitamins on a daily basis. This is a good nutrition insurance policy. Note that multivitamins have all necessary minerals and ezymes your body needs.
Physical exercise
You don't have to spend hours in the gym. You only need to spend at least 30 minutes per day doiung some useful exercises that will keep your body fit. Remember that doing sports and physical activities regularly increases life longevity. When you don't have a lot of free time, spend it wisely. Take long walk alone or with your family. Having a dog who needs daily walks is a great excuse to leave the house for a while.
Vacation or staycation
Spend most of your time at the office? This can be utterly exhausting sometimes. If you feel worn out and some body parts have already started to ache, these symptoms indicate it is time you went on a vacation. Or a staycation. It is not necessary to go on a trip to some place unfamiliar. Staying at home can be very relaxing too. You can watch TV, read magazines, play video games and do stuff you enjoy very much but rarely have time for it.
Find a hobby

Nothing is more relaxing and rewarding than having a hobby which inspires you to do things that bring you joy. Name the things you enjoy doing the most and decide what in what activity you want to invest your free time. There is a bunch of choices:
- photography
- create a personal blog
- learn new foreign language
- build a collection of something
- grow plants in a garden
- learn to knit
- enroll in an art course, learn to draw
- learn about foreign cultures
- create a YouTube channel offering valuable advice on a particular subject
- learn to play the piano or other musical intrument

There are so many ways you can be productive in something rather than work. Hobbies help people discover their inner talents. They usually uncover our creative side but most importantly, they make us feel good.
Whether it is fiction, non-fiction, studies, essays, self-help literature or poetry, reading remains the most powerful weapon against stress. Reading provides with unique emotional experience. It can be inspiring, calling for action or decision-making and educative but most of all it pushes negative thoughts and worries away at least for a while. You can choose to read a book through a paperback or an electronic version on your Kindle. Either way will make you calm. What is more, by reading books your eyes take a break from the exposure of blue light from screen devices.
Do whatever you love and keep in mind that a good glass of wine never hurts.