Tips For Maintaining A Long-Term Relationship

- 9 years ago by

Those who are in a committed relationship would probably like to know how to keep the spark alive for as long as possible. it's not easy, but it's achievable. There are a few well-known and proven ways how couples can keep the fire burning.

A strong relationship lies on:

  • trust

  • friendship

  • sexual attraction

  • personal space

  • mutual care

Here are a some general concepts to keep in mind. Use them as a reminder to your primary goal - maintain a long-term and harmonious marriage or relationship that will keep you happy and contented.



Marriages and relationships live and die by the amount of communication. When partners find it difficult to communicate honestly and openly about their needs, habits, desires, feelings and goals, they hardly have a chance to be together for too long.


Cultivate trust and frankness between the two of you

Trust is a fragile thing. It can be easily broken unless you pay attention. If you want to build a trustworthy relationship, try to avoid cheating or lying to your partner. These insincere acts kill the trust right away. If you ever get sexually attracted to someone else and you are about to do something that might hurt your loved one, try to walk in his or her shoes, imagining how you would feel if he or she does the same to you. To build a long-term relationship both partners must stay true to each other, otherwise one of them might end up living in a lie.


Take care of each other

When you are in a relationship or married there is no "I". You think "we", because everything you do, you do it for the two of you. Your partner's interests and well-being becomes your concern and vice versa.


Make compromises

Working out acceptable compromises is the key to the fulfilling long-term relationship. To be romantically involved with someone means that you have to give a lot, not just take. If your partner feels like he or she is giving too much, take this as an alarming bell telling that there is problem and the two of you need to work it out together.


Personal space

When you are committed to someone romantically that doesn't mean that you have to give up your identity. It is better for the relationship when both partners make some time to be alone and do things they enjoy by themselves. Mind you, when partners tend to spend too much time alone and don't feel the need to see each other often, that could be a sign they no longer have strong feelings to one another in which case keeping the relationship becomes meaningless and painful. A relationship requires intimacy so to grow strong. When partners are not intimate physically and mentally, their marriage or relationship won’t last long.


Be spontaneous

One efficient way to break the routine of your love life is to do something spontaneously. For example, you may surprise your partner by buying tickets to a sports event or offering to spend some quality time together on a weekend trip. Doing unusual pleasant activities like these will keep the spark in your relationship, for sure. Besides, it will instantly drive away the tediousness and unwillingness to do things that actually make you feel really good. Along with being spontaneous do not forget to express gratitude to your loved one for all the nice things he or she does for you.

Looked from the outside, a romantic involvement may seem inspiring and easy to maintain. Still, in every relationship or marriage there are ups and downs. As long as partners share trust and honesty, communication, personal space, caretaking, spontaneity and gratitude, ability to handle failure and misfortune, they will manage to foster a steady romance that will last for ages.