Seems like taking photos and of your legs and feet is getting pretty popular these days. Well, at least German photographer Sebastian Erras has decided to do something beautiful and meaningful with the growing trend. He took on a very innovating and intriguing project on the streets of Paris – the city of love and fashion and he had just one yet very interesting perspective – down. But there is much more to it that meets the eye. With every shot he captures the astonishing and full of color and art mosaics of the Parisian floors. The result is pretty vintage and delightful look that gives you colorful bright artistic and aesthetic view of Paris like you’ve never seen before. Each shot contains the feet of the photographer stepping on the incredibly decorated ground surrounding him in a bright and very playful way. Those repeating shots create an amazing collection that shows us another glamorous perspective of the beautiful and fine forms that people step on every day, everywhere.
The whole idea came to Erras while he was on a trip to Morocco where he fell in love with mosaics like these and he decided to bring to France. There he found a new and fresh perspective of the city which allowed him to begin his outstanding project.
Here’s more about the motivation and inspiration in Sebastian’s own words:
“After a while being in Paris and wandering around the city, the main attractions and sights become a given. Now looking down more often I get to see a whole new side of this city! It has been a good motivation to rediscover Paris again.”
He posted the whole project to Instagram which also made it possible for him to make a whole map of the great city of Paris in order to see where he has been and where else he should go. What an amazing way to discover and get an even bigger and richer experience of city and its unending beauty.
Here’s some more of his gorgeous collection for you to enjoy and if you liked and enjoyed it, you can check his Instagram account for more of his stunning work: https://instagram.com/parisianfloors/
And his website: http://www.sebastianerras.com/