The citizens of Copenhagen, Denmark have finally got their long awaited “Cirkelbroen bridge”. Over 7,000 people came to the grand opening of the massive project that will span over the Christianshavn canal. Designed by the local artist Olafur Eliasson this link is supposed to help pedestrians and cyclers or runners to pass along the waterfront and have a more direct and shortcut way to the center of the city. And that’s not all that it brings, it is also a great place to meet with friends and hangout and in overall it just brings the whole city a new fresh look and a different perspective.
The structure is very clever and thoughtful made accordingly to the history and traditions of the region with the bridge’s posts made in the form of ship mast that are tall and so majestic and precisely done that can be spotted from almost every place of the surrounding area.
With the possibility of an easier crossing of the canal, the shortcut to the center, the absolutely stunning design and the possibility of a new meeting and vintage point, Eliasson’s bridge is the perfect combination of class and convenience.
Here’s what Olafur Eliasson had to say about his astonishing project in a recent interview for www.designboom.com: “The Cirkelbroen bridge creates new spaces along the waterfront, it provides proximity to the water and encourages users to slow down a little and take a break. I hope it will become a meeting place. In my art, I work with transient materials – such as wind, fog or flowing water, it has been wonderful to have the opportunity to make a structure such as the cirkelbroen bridge, which embodies this transience – the changing of the weather and how this helps to create the waterfront atmosphere – but a bridge which has a long, stable life ahead of it at the same time. I am filled with immense pride to know that the Cirkelbroen bridge will now be part of Copenhagen.”