The popular social media photograph platform Instagram has produced so many great moments for each of us, allowing great talents to rise and show us exactly how good they are and how great they can become. And as some time ago people used to wake up and go splash some fresh water into their faces and start their day, now we wake up to the blinding light of our phones or laptop screens watching something funny on either Facebook or Instagram. But on the bright side I don’t mind at all if I can wake up to the amazing work of this young artist.
Tatsuya Tanaka is a Japanese artist who has created an exceptionally good calendar of miniature dioramas. He is posting one those clever, absolutely hilarious digital dioramas every day, reenacting different scenes from various movies and shows and all kinds of interesting situations using all kinds of different products like food and numerous everyday objects. His work is definitely a piece of art and widely known for its unbelievable precision.
From the most dramatic fight scene from the Star Wars saga between Anakin and Obi on top of some crackers, through the Amazing Spider-Man trying to stop a giant piece of onion and all the to everyday people doing their laundry, the refreshingly playful and incredibly talented Tanaka is definitely a must see on your Instagram feed.
Here's some more of his work for you to enjoy:
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or visit his Instagram profile: