To make something that the rest of the world considers art is arguably the most admirable and awe-inspiring thing ever. And even more impressive is when someone has that special talent to take what most people call junk and transform it into something beautiful. Sue Beatrice of All Natural Arts is a perfect example of just that. She does something really amazing – using recycled parts of old clocks and turning them into a completely different object or animal.
She is using all kinds of variations of scrappy vintage clocks, watches, clock faces and even pocket watches and every single piece of mechanics inside of them that previously made them tick to make some of the most awesome creatures you have ever seen and almost bring them to life with her devotion and passion towards her projects. Like, for example the small dragon with his majestic wings spread proudly and his tail graciously laying over Beatrice’s finger. But don’t let the fact that these miniatures are so tiny fool you, because they are so full of life and rich of detail, as Sue has almost given them soul (she certainly put all of her soul into them). You can actually feel the emotion coming out of those mechanical creatures. You can almost glance into the little mouse’s eyes, as it is reaching for that bowl.
Susan Beatrice most definitely proved that the parts of an old “long gone” clocks can be used to bring life into something else, something beautiful – like her little steampunk creatures. This collection is just another perfect example of the beauty and the kind of strange almost weird and yet glamorous style of the steampunk culture.
Susan is a consummate artist. If you’re still not a believer of her enormous talent check this out – she was only 15 years old when her art had been displayed at the prestigious Congressional Offices. And don’t worry, her devotion is not solely to drawing or necessarily related to the steampunk culture, as she is also great at making sculptures out of sand, pumpkins and even cakes.
You should check her out at: https://www.facebook.com/allnaturalarts
And here is more of her enchanting creatures for you to enjoy: