One of the best things about finding new artist is witnessing the innovative and creative ways they use normal, regular materials in various new and amazing ways. This is one of the great things about art – there is always room for something new and innovative and it is constantly evolving, always. This young artist here is a one of the best examples fort that. Meet Sena Runa, she folds and beds various in size and color paper in order to create some incredible sculptures, full of texture and almost brought to life by her amazing skills. Her sculptures have reached an incredible level of proficiency and complexity but nonetheless it is still full of playful and joyful tones.
But Sena’s art is not just complex and hard to achieve, it is also very thoughtful and deep at times. Like for example the way she made a totally realistic Starbucks cup and photographed it with a bunch of coffee beans in the shape of a heart in the background. A great way to share your love and admiration of coffee, but also if you take a closer look at how small that Starbucks cup actually is, you should be as shocked as me. This is the tiniest, most realistic version of a Starbucks drink I have ever seen, now can you imagine the level of detail she had to take care of when folding and drawing this. I’ve got one word for it – Amazing!
Again, the same with the hot air balloon that Runa made. Truly an outstanding performance with the way she has folded all those little details inside of it. And yet again, you have to really take a closer look in order to be sure that it is a piece of paper – that’s how realistic it is. Sometimes of course she has a more abstract and obscure take on the designs but that’s where her whole creativity and imagination takes place and the results are again stunning.
Sena Runa is without a shadow of a doubt an amazing artist, and her new intriguing style, even though it is often mistaken with origami (which it is totally not) is something very fresh and cool, proving that art is always going to evolve and there are countless ways for people to express it. She really found a beautiful balance between her incredible talent and her creative mind in order to make something engaging and truly inspiring. She deserves our upmost admirations.
Here is some more of her work for you to enjoy and if you really like it, you can go and check her out at: https://instagram.com/senaruna/