Self-Help Tips To Restore Your Energy

- 9 years ago by

Are you feeling like you have lost your energy recently? There are many cases of unexplained fatigue due to various lifestyle factors, including stress, unhealthy diet and getting insufficient sleep.

Here are some simple techniques that will certainly help you boost your energy and stay health and hearty.

Listen to your biological clock

When your body says “Rest!”, just do it. It is very important to read your body's signs. There is no point in pushing yourself beyond limits to accomplish a task. Listen to your body and take a rest when you need it. This is the only efficient way to beat tiredness.

Eat regularly

Try to maintain a well-balanced diet, which means taking in minerals and vitamin-rich food. Think about increasing the magnesium levels in your body. The recommended intake of magnesium per day is about 350 mg for men and 300 mg for women. Increase your fish intake. Also, add more nuts to your daily meals such as almonds, cashews and hazelnuts. Furthermore, watch carefully the amount of food you consume in order to avoid overeating. Food digesting consumes a lot of energy. No wonder why you lack of energy if you eat too much. Here is some valuable advice: avoid overfilling your plate. Focus on vegetables, especially fresh salads and other kind of food that provides you with vitamins and proper nutrients. Besides, you can never overeat with green food. Leave the table when you are not hungry any more.

Boost your energy by losing weight

It can be very fatiguing for your body to carry excess weight, let alone, it puts additional strain on your heart. Try to follow a diet and do more physical exercising and you will start feeling active and energized.

Let your mind rest

There is strong evidence that practicing cognitive behavioral therapy creates highly positive effect on your body. If you tend to overwork, you use too much of your brain. Not getting enough rest lowers productivity and you end up going around in circles. Lack of mental rest affects the level of performance, especially at work. Note that taking mental rest doesn't involve watching movies, playing video games, browsing the web and doing other kind of stuff on your tablet or smartphone device. Mental rest is about letting your mind have a break. Only simple activities that require minimal effort are allowed, including meditation, perhaps some physical exercise, going outside for a walk; engaging in constructive activities, reading positive quotes and books that help you unload mentally.

Watch what you are drinking

To boost your energy you should:

  • Drink more water
  • Quit drinking caffeine
  • Drink less alcoholic beverages

Why is so important to do these things?

Most people, overwhelmed with daily tasks, forget to drink water. Tiredness comes from dehydratation.The most common signs of dehydratation are:

  • headaches
  • fatigue
  • feeling a bit dizzy and light-headed
  • dark urine 


So, remind yourself to drink plenty of water every day. Have a glass or two after you come back from the gym. It will help you restore your energy.

If you want to get a good night sleep, quit drinking alcohol before bedtime. It is a common myth, according to which having a few glasses of wine in the evening makes us sleepy. The truth is that alcohol does help you fall asleep, but you sleep less deeply and when wake up in the morning you fell tired even after 7-8 hours of sleep.

Too much caffeine intake boots your productivity, but only for a while and then it makes you feel tired. Caffeine causes so-called ‘yo-yo effect’ - you need to drink more coffee as the caffeine level drops. Therefore, everyone who feels like they have long-term lost their energy should cut out caffeine consumption for good. That includes quitting gradually all kinds of caffeine-rich beverages, such as coffee, tea, coca-cola, energy drinks, and so on. At first, not taking any caffeine might give you headaches. In this case, you should not cut it down at abruptly, but slowly.