Designer Richard Clarkson got sick of all those universal rectangle boring touchscreens that are pretty much basically controlling our lives nowadays, he felt the need for something more, so he decided to do something about it. The concept for his rotary smartphone is the definition of vintage. It puts together the mechanical and the digital world in a beautiful harmonic symbiosis.
This mechanical smartphone has two different interchangeable brass dials. One of them is the real deal old school rotary dial and the other is a button dial. The changing happening is inspired from the way a camera changes lenses. Its body is made of electroplated copper which is after painted and designed especially to improve as it wears. The design has combined in it both minimalistic and steampunk genres contrasting the different forms and surface finishes.
Probably the best thing about this phone is that it can eliminate the possibility of digital rot. How? All of its components are modular, allowing them to be replaced as soon as new technology becomes available.