Both you and your partner feel like you’re not ready to have kids, that is perfectly fine. However, aren’t you curious about the feeling of what it is like to take care of another living being, whose welfare depends on you. Here is an idea - adopt a pet. There are a number of easy-to-care animals that won't cause a lot of trouble and will fill your life with joy. Pets can teach responsibility to you and your partner . You will start taking life a bit more seriously than before. Logically, caring for a pet might increase your expenses but compared to the affection and unconditional love you will have in return, it is worth every dollar.
What are the benefits of having a pet animal

It is scientifically proven that caring for a cat or dog helps overcome depression, nervousness, stress and even mental disturbance. An average domestic cat or dog can provide you with many health benefits:
- reduce anxiety
- help improve your abilities to socialize with other people
- invite to regukar physical exercise
- add much joy and comfort to your life
- provide companionship for older adults and ease loneliness
- the idea of caring for another living being adds value and meaning to a person’s life
- teach responsibility and enhances your relationship with loved ones
Here is a list of domestic animals you and your significant other may want to consoder adopting:

Cats in their nature are independent animals who value their privacy. Most of them enjoy staying at home alone. Moreover they are known as keepers of the home in the spiritual sense. Cats are creatures of many characters. Whilst some are friendly with gentle manners and showing their love 24/7, others turn out to be selfish and belligerent, especially to strangers. However, when given proper training, cats make great companions. If you are willing to adopt a feline, keep in mind that by doing so you save her or his life. In most cases, adopted cats grow very friendly and grateful to owners all their life.

Caring for a dog can be a life-changing decision. Average longevity for dogs is up to 30 years, depending on the breed and living environment. This means having a dog is a long-term commitment. If you are not ready for it, or your way of living won't allow such a big change right now, don't take your chances. On the other hand, dogs make the perfect pets. They can be extremely loyal to their owners and over the years grow tremendously affectionate. By adopting a dog you not only get a pet animal, you get a friend for a life-time. Before doing so take s piece if advice: conduct a little research, ask other dog owners, seek advice from professionals to learn about the most important aspects of owning a dog. Some dog breeds require very much of attention from owners, while other need extra exercising and reguar checkups to the vet.

Guinea pig

Caring for guinea pigs can be real fun. These animals look like hamsters but much bigger in size. Their behavior is very similar to little kids' which provides you and your partner with good training if you plan to have children any time soon. Guinea pigs live up to 8-9 years. They don't need much space and large quantities of food. Don't worry, they won't put much weight on your bills. However, caring for a guinea pig requires cleaning its cage on a daily basis. Note that it is very important to take out scraps every day, otherwise you risk sickening your pet. Guinea pigs clean themselves frequently so a bath is recommendable only once in three months. Logically, if the pet has started to smell you will have to bathe him.

Do you like caged birds? Have you ever thought of having finches at your home? They are adorable birds and once you welcome them in your house you won't be able to imagine life without them. Finches don't require special treating and are surprisingly affordable. They are small birds and don't need a lot of space, neither too much of your attention like parrots. You don’t need to provide them with expensive and hard-to-find food. Their diet includes basically seeds, but you should ask your vet what else can you do to keep them healthy and happy. It is advisable to get a pair of finches or more if you like. They are highly social animals and live in pairs. Finches enjoy each other's company as well as their owners'.