Original Origami By Biriah Loper

Next level Origami art - 8 years ago by

Origami is an ancient Japanese art. It literally translates “folding papers” and that is exactly what it is. However, in the hand of a truly talented artist like Byriah Loper, Origami becomes something even more beautiful.

Byriah Loper started folding Origami just three years ago, but now he is a true master. He practices Modular Origami. This technique allows him to fold papers and create different forms without the usage of any glue whatsoever. However, Loper doesn’t make ordinary, traditional Origami which you can see everywhere. Instead of that, he creates a complex geometric shape like the quaternary  structure of proteins.

Byriah Loper developed his models alongside with his friends Daniel Kwan, Tom Hull and Robert Lang who has been interested in buildings such multifarious models for quite some time. They are using the Alphabet naming technique when creating their Origami and it turned out to be a winning combination.

Here are some of the most attractive Origami pieces they have created so far.