A thank you letter after an interview is more than a show of appreciation. It is actually another opportunity for the potential employee to tell the employer more about himself and why he is the right person for the position. Beneficial and somewhat important as this letter is, it is not an easy task leading to many people giving the excuse that it is not really necessary to send one. This might be detrimental to the quest of getting the job though.
The first paragraph of such a letter should be opened saying thank you to the company for the privilege of being interviewed. It should also state how much the interview process was enjoyed regardless of whether or not you actually enjoyed it. Whichever reason or point you want to make here, ensure that it looks real even if it might not be.
Your second paragraph would give a brief about the interview proceedings and what took place during the interview. It is important to specifically state information that you found pleasing and state the reason you found it so. You might go further to elaborate on this and even say how you can relate to it. Use this opportunity to state how much you would love to be a part of the organization and in the advertised position for that matter.
The third paragraph would only be an extension of the second especially if the second paragraph was a bit short and you would like to add in some information or just a summary of the second paragraph if there is really no addition.
The fourth and usually the last paragraph would be a summary of the whole body of the letter and a reiteration of your interest in the job. Be enthusiastic about working for the company even if it takes spelling it out plainly.
It is advised that you avoid starting your sentences with “I”. Even as this seems to be the easiest way to write the letter, it might be too repetitive and ego-centric to say the least. Remember that the letter might also be revealing a part of you to your potential employer so you want to be careful with your choice of words.
Writing such letters is particularly easy for those that are really interested in getting the job as they are better able to pour out their genuine impressions, sentiments, and desire.