Why we feel tired? Is in only because of the lack of sleep and insufficient physical exercise or there is something else?
Many things exhaust our energy and make us feel tired mentally and physically. One of the reasons for the constant tiredness is the excessive use of technology. According to a recent research, 64% of people tend to spend up to 4-5 hours of their spare time on a tablet, smartphone or a computer. Most people have developed the bad habit of using tech devices while in bed and preparing for sleep. Computers, tablets and smartphones provide us with non-stop access to information. Indeed, technology offers considerable advantages and makes our lifestyle and work performance better, but this comes not without a price. Even though people are used to multitasking thanks to their phones, computer devices and apps, happy by the fact they accomplish as much as they want, there comes a certain common problem reflecting on health. Apparently, it is not that easy to switch off the multitasking mode. Brain continues to work soon after the computer is set to shut down and the tablet put away. And when you can't put your brain to rest, you may have trouble with sleep, which might result in further serious health issues.
Tiredness is a consequence of the so-called technology-related stress.
Sometimes it is really hard not checking your emails, texts messages, social media profiles or answer your phone, because we have become to news and information thanks to our modern tech devices.
Good news is that there are ways to deal with technology-related stress. Here are some tips to help you keep your work-life balance.
More physical activities
Let your body have some rest from multitasking and tech tools from time to time. Establish a rule to do more outdoor activities instead of watching television shows or surfing the Internet. A number of researches point out that watching TV and playing video games excessively as well as any other long-term activities that involve staying on the computer, increases the risk of obesity and diabetes. Sedentary lifestyle is harmful for your health. Therefore, you should always make time for physical activities. If you really want to make a difference, turn down the TV and the computer as often as you can.

Limit updating your social media status too often
Social networks are an infinite source of new information. That is why, unwittingly, we have developed a habit to check our Facebook, Twitter and Instagram profiles more than ten times per day searching for some meaty story to read or new hilarious video to watch. Try to use your web surfing time for doing meaningful things like learning about new books, inventions and important news. Your social media followers don't need to know what you have eaten today or how annoying your boss or co-workers are. Do update your status but offer something interesting and engaging.
Enroll in projects that don't require much computer work
A very useful way to lower technology-related stress is to do work that doesn't require you to spend all day on the computer. This may sound hard to accomplish at first, but there are some jobs or short-time projects that require promoting products and more face-to-face contact instead of talking via Skype. The point is, when from time to time you get offered to do different kind of work that does not involve your computer skills in action, take it.
Put away your phone while driving
Many studies show that texting, reading emails or even hands free talking over the phone when driving is as highly hazardous as driving drunk. Conversely, GPS apps actually help us pay attention on the road and drive safely. It is also safer listening to the GPS navigation that reading a map. Therefore, GPS system may be exception to the quiet car rule.

No technology in the bedroom
No matter how tempting may be the idea of lying down with your iPad to read a book or some articles on the Web, these activities expose you to blue light emitted by tech devices. The blue light is considered harmful because it suppresses your body from producing hormone melatonin - the hormone that regulates your sleep. So, a few hours before bedtime, de-tech the bedroom.
All things considered, modern technology can increase and decrease stress. It all depends on how we use it. If we put down the tablet or smartphone for a while, take a walk and breathe some fresh air in the park or get a paperback, do anything rather than browsing for meaningless purpose on the Internet, we could relieve our body and soul from all kind of stress.