Summer is not about lying on the beach and having fun on parties all the time. For most teens and college students, who do not come from a wealthy family, this is the best time to earn some money on their own so to be able to buy some cool stuff or pay their university tuition fee. But what if you spend the summer doing something you enjoy and get paid for? There is plenitude of summer jobs that help you earn money and have the best time of your life. Lifeguard is one of these dream jobs, just like bartender in a fancy bar by the beach. Of course, not everybody finds themselves suitable for such seasonal professions but that doesn't mean you should stop searching.
Here are some tips to help you find out for yourself what is that you enjoy doing and have the right skills for it.
Make a plan
It is very important to define the terms of your job like location, working hours, type and payment. Thus, you’ll find a job that meets all your needs or as many needs as possible. Some teens are willing to perform on a full-time job, whilst others have summer courses to attend which makes them available for work a few hours a day or only in weekends. Start with your plan before summer comes. The earlier you prepare yourself, the better. Tailor your job search carefully so you could manage to meet all your needs.

Know your true talents and skills
Most job seekers search for any kind of job that will help them earn money regardless of the talents they have and might offer to the potential employers. When you are completely aware of your inner talents, skills and in-depth knowledge, you should focus on them in order to get as high-qualified job as possible. Thus, you will kill two birds with one stone. These kinds of jobs are well-paid and provide you with valuable experience that you might need in your future career path. So, before you embark on a job seek, conduct a self-analysis first to see what are your skills and talents, what can you do to improve them a little and later put an emphasis on them at the job interview. Your skills and talents usually come as a result of your lifestyle, social environment and personal habits. What are you interested in the most? If you like to read, then you could search for some part-time job at the library, or how about a writing / blogging job? How does writing book reviews sound to you? Think of anything that will suit your hobby or other things you fell passionate.
Check your phonebook
Most people who became successful and practice high-paid and respectful jobs, have not got that far because a happy coincidence. It is all about having the right connections. In order to expand your list of valuable contacts, first you need to improve your social skills. Whether you want to land on a dream job or some ordinary summer job, this is the right path to take for starters. Check your friends’ connections using your social media profiles. Ask around if anyone can give you information about any lucrative summer jobs that would fit your skills, habits and lifestyle. Ask your trusted friends to spread the word that you are looking for a job and can offer special skills.

Write a short resume
Build your professional image wisely. Your resume doesn't have to be long. Keep it concise and give clarity on the most important. Two pages are long enough. Avoid giving false details on purpose. Do not lie about skills you don't have. If you have studied French back in high school but you don't think your French is fluent enough, don't add it to the resume or at least, give details about your level. It's pointless to mislead the employer. If you are not that desperate to earn money, apply only for the job that interests you the most.

Before accepting a job offer
Conduct some research before you say "yes". Study the company’s background. If you have any friend familiar with the kind of job you've been offered, ask them to give you a description as detailed as possible. Try to find out more about the loyalty policy of the company before you make up your mind.