Life in the digital age is far easier than it was six or seven decades ago. That is because of the number of tech devices we use every day. Computers, tablets, smartphones, iPods - they all make our life and work less difficult and pleasant. However, a misplaced, stolen or forgotten smartphone or a tablet computer can cause a panic attack to many people, which suggest that we have become so attached to our modern mobile devices and many of us can hardly image what their lives would be without them. On the other hand, maybe it is not such a bad idea if we abandon the computer or the cell phone from time to time. Technology may be of great help to our work and daily routine but it also increases emotional stress and make people feel like they are always on the rush. As a result, their health balance is broken and it affects them behaviorally, physically, and interpersonally.
To keep your mental health and deal with the tech dependency you need to establish new rules. If you are wandering what's the best way to avoid technology-related stress, here are a few ideas:
Quit using smartphones or tablets before bedtime

Do you often find yourself staying until late at night and the reason for that is playing a video game, updating status on Twitter or texting someone? This troubles your sleep, so maybe you should consider killing that habit for good. If you want to fall asleep easy, do not use any touchscreen devices including smartphones and tablets at least 1 to 2 hours before going to bed. For example, you may establish a rule "No smartphones or tablet computers allowed in the bedroom". When you use your smartphone in bed, you are not really leaving your body to rest. Smartphones keep you alert, therefore the bedroom is no place for them. Use a vintage alarm clock to wake you up in the morning. Not only will you go retro, but also it will make your life a lot easier.

Go outside and don't take your phone with you

You will feel far more relaxed and relieved if you take a walk, ride a bike or have a cup of coffee in the cafeteria nearby a nice sunny day with your phone left at home so there will be no one to disturb you, at least not over the phone. Go on a walk in the local park, smell the flowers, enjoy the beautiful day, see the world around. Cultivate a habit to get unplugged from cell phones and other tech devices and it will help you realize that life has many beautiful sides that are waiting for you to see catch them.
Offline mode

Turns out that for many people it is a real challenge to get out of the online space and meet with other people in the real world. We tend to forget how important is to go unplugged occasionally. If we don't do it we become interpersonally inactive and lose the ability to connect freely with other people. So, have your online friendships but don't forget that face-to-face contacts are far more important.
Include no-phone time to your daily routine

Switch off your phone every day for at least two hours. Establishing no-smartphone time zones will definitely produce a positive effect on your health mentally and physically. Perhaps the best time to do that is when you have finished work for the day. On the other hand, you might want to close off your phone at that time of the day when you feel concentrated the most. Thus, having your phones switched off no one will disturb you. Not only will it enhance your productivity but it will keep you extremely dedicated to the work. Another useful technique is to give permission to your roommate, loved one, friend or colleague to hide your phone for a couple of hours and then bring it back to you.

Allow your friends or family members to make an intervention when they reckon that your smartphone dependency has deepened. Think this as your reassurance policy for the times you would be no longer able to control your addiction. It is not necessary to go this way but in case it happens, it is always good to know that there is someone around to take care of you.