Goro Fujita is a 3D character animator and visual developer artist from San Francisco bay area, USA. Fujita is considered a very talented Photoshop master, although he doesn’t regard himself as a very skillful artist. He believes that if you love something and you got to the point of full obsession you can do an incredible thing even if you aren’t talented. And his incredible photoshopped digital art shows that this is absolutely right.
Fujita was born in Japan, however, his family moved to Germany when he was 3 years old. As a child, he studied at a public school in Germany during weekdays and at a Japan school during the weekend. Goro had a strong interest in drawing for his early age. He said, “In both schools I remember getting yelled by ma teachers because I was drawing during class.”
Goro got his first touch with 3D Graphics in 1999 when he saw the famous animation video by Victor Navone titled “Alien Song”. Back then 3D animation was revolutionary and had a huge influence on Goro’s career path.
After many years of school, Goro became confident enough to think that he wants to be a professional 3D character animator. Here is one of his quotes: “Work hard enough and eliminate your weaknesses step by step. Not all at once”