Mark Elliot Zuckerberg was born on 14th May, 1984. Now aged 31, he is the fourth richest person in technological achievements worldwide, or the eight richest person, generally. His wealth is estimated at $41.2 billion. Mark Zuckerberg is a Harvard drop-out, who studied psychology and computer science. His interest in computer software programs has its onset from the early years at middle school, when he was considered a computer prodigy with exceptional brilliance. Mark had a predisposition towards developing all sorts of computer programs, games and communication tools. During his teenager years at high school Mark was motivated to create in internal Zucknet, which connected all the computers in his house to the ones in his father’s dental practice, which was operating in the home as well. His talent was completely developed, so that Mark became the most famous American in computer programming and Internet entrepreneurship. Facebook, a social networking website, is his most popular fully developed product, and Mark Zuckerberg is Facebook’s cofounder and Chief Executive Officer.

Mark Zuckerberb probably got the idea of Facebook from the Photo Address Book, which was introduced and used by Philips Exeter Academy, which Mark graduated from. The Photo Address Book was a system directory which listed students’ class years, friends and details such as telephone numbers.
Facebook’s actual predecessor was called Facemash, which was a site uploading photos of students from the university dormitories. The website users had to vote for the side-by-side positioned photos. Zuckerberg’s initiative did not receive a warm welcome from the university administration, nor was it liked by some of the students, since they claimed the pictures had been publicized without their permission. A disciplinary action towards young Zuckerberg was what followed. Some two and a half months later, in 2004, Facebook was launched from the dorm rooms of Harvard University. The other founders of the social networking website were Zuckerburg’s roommates Andrew McCollum, Eduardo Saverin, Dustin Moskovitz, Chris Hughes. The names of Tyler Winklevoss, Cameron Winklevoss and Divya Narendra were also associated with Mark Zuckerberg, since they were a group of university seniors who accused him of intentional misguidance and misleading in their attempts to establish HarvardConnection.com- an internal university social network.

Facebook, then, was introduced to many other college and university organizations and campuses in the US and gradually gained an immense popularity. Zuckerberg’s product grew into a worldwide famous company managed and strategically developed by Zuckerburg himself. The company moved to the Silicon valley, Palo Alto in California and three years later, in 2007 the Facebook success amassed billions of dollars and made its 23-year-old founder extremely rich.
The successful social innovation became an object of litigations for the other participants in the development of Facebook claimed a share in the fast-growing extremely profitable company.
In 2012 the number of users reached 1 billion, and by June 2015, 49 million users were added to that number.

Nowadays, the company has spread throughout the world in 48 offices, employing approximately 11 thousand people.
17 countries in Latin America, Asia and Africa have benefited from the launching of free Internet services thanks to Facebook.
Mark Zuckerberg is driven by the notion of free access to information for all people on a global scale. Thus, many media corporations’ proposals for cooperation had been turned down, because Zuckerberg does not consider them attractive.

The idea of constant technological improvement and development is what inspires one of the most influential people in the world, and he participates in numerous donations and funding initiatives.
100 million dollars donated to Alt School to encourage and support a highly technological personalized education.
100 million dollars donation to Newark Public School System for renovation and advancement
5 million dollars, funding a college scholarship for undocumented immigration.
Mark Zuckerberg is pretty confident in the accomplishment and achievability of the idea of an open world.