Cat Facts

- 8 years ago by

Yes, they are one of the most popular pets but there are some facts about cats that many people do not know of despite the great love they have for the feline family. Below are some facts about cats, some you already know, others might sound pretty new.

Domestic cats are the only kind from the feline family that can have their tails at a vertical position while they walk. Other cat specie like the lions and tigers would either have their tails between their legs or horizontally when they walk. When the tail of a domestic cat is at a vertical position when it walks, it means it has seen someone or something it knows.

Another fact is that cats do not meow to communicate with each other. By their nature, they are solitary creatures that spend most of their time alone and do many of their activities by themselves; this makes them have limited communication skills for confrontation and explains their lack of body language.

Another fact, or probably myth about cats is that black cats bring bad luck especially if they cross the person’s path. This is however a myth that can be traced to the United States of America with the belief that it originated from the Salem witch hunts.

There are also some wrong perceptions that many people have about cats. One of them is that cats would always land on their feet. This is a false idea. Another popular misconception is that cats have nine lives. One needs no rocket science to know that this is not true. It is popular believed so because more often time than not, cats land with their feet and sometimes look like they actually have nine lives.

Another fact is that baby cats or kittens are they are called might never be able to hut if they are not born to hunting mothers. Kittens are born with the ears and eyes closed and the eyes are blue when they are first open with the color changing as time goes on. When they have enough milk, kittens purr to their mother. They will also do the same to notify their mother that they are close and everything is fine. When adult cats purr, it is a sign of friendliness.

Cats remain very good pets and regardless of the myths and misconceptions many people have about them and you might considering getting one if you can cope with the meows.