As you have already learned in your biology classes, calcium is the building material of our bones. Bones support our bodies and act as a protector of various organs. They also store minerals and produce our red and white blood cells. Bones are predominantly made of inorganic mineral calcium phosphate or also known as calcium hydroxylapatite, which gives the rigidity of the bones. Moreover, they contain organic collagen, an elastic protein, which is also concentrated in our fingernails and hair, and make our bones fracture resistant.
Osteoporosis is a disease that corrupts the strength of the bones and increases the risk of fracturing the bones. Although mainly elder people suffer from osteoporosis, it is never too early or too late to think about protecting your bones. One of the most common body parts that suffer are the back, forearm and hip bones. What makes the osteoporosis such a dangerous disease is that you can hardly notice any symptoms before you break a bone and the only way to save yourself the trouble is to take adequate measures in advance.

In order to protect your bones, you are advised to eat foods rich in calcium, which considerably improves the strengths of the bones. Apart from that, calcium plays an essential role in the secretion of various hormones and enzymes that are necessary for the proper function of your body.
If you are unable to consume calcium-rich foods, you’d better think of an alternative and ask your doctor about the best available calcium supplements.
Although many researchers have proven the link between the calcium deficiencies and development of osteoporosis, people still tend to take their health for granted and start eating healthier when they are of age when the development of the osteoporosis has already started and the calcium levels are below the required minimum.
Everybody knows that dairy products are rich in calcium, but if you, for one reason or another, are reluctant to eat them or you are allergic, then, you should once again think of foods that can help you boost the calcium levels. You might be surprised to know that apart from fructose, fruits and vegetables that are very rich in calcium as well.
Having a well-balanced diet including fish, fruits and vegetables will definitely pay off but you should regard it as your daily routine rather than as a temporary regime you have to follow over a month or two.
Although there are tons of different supplements on the market, do not rush to the first store to buy an expensive box of pills. The best way to provide your body with all the minerals and nutrients is by getting used to a balanced diet. Here is a list of some of the calcium rich foods you should include into your healthy menu.
Low-Fat cheese
Calcium content: 1000 mg of calcium in 100g of product
Low-fat cheese is an excellent source of calcium and you can get it from everywhere. Just make sure you buy “real” cheese because the cheese-like products are made from hydrogen saturated fats and they can actually do more harm than good to your body. Organic cheese might be a bit more expensive but rest assured you will get your investment back by avoiding osteoporosis issues in future.

Calcium content: 86 mg in 2 cups raw
Broccoli is an incredibly healthy food. They contain nearly twice as much vitamin C than an orange. Broccoli is also an excellent source of fibers and cruciferous. It also reduces the risk of colon cancer and blabber cancer.

Calcium content: 34 mg in 100 grams of fresh kiwis
Kiwi is a tropical fruit that is known as a vitamin bomb. They have more vitamin than the lemons and apples and you can hardly find a person who would turn down a delicious fruit salad or homemade yogurt with kiwi.

Dried Figs
Calcium content: 241 mg in 1 cup of dried figs
Every single dried fig will give you 13 mg of calcium. In that matter, the regular consumption of figs is more than enough to provide you with your daily amount of calcium, not to mention they can substitute the calorific cakes and chocolate bars.

Calcium content: 280 mg in 1 cup of furmi
Frumi are famous for their rich vitamin and mineral content. They contain a lot of calcium, sulfur, iron, potassium, manganese, copper, magnesium and phosphorus. All those minerals are essential for all metabolic processes in your body, which makes them very beneficial. Furmi are also very easy to digest and rich in simple sugars such as fructose and dextrose, which are the main energy fuel to our muscles and the brain.

Calcium content: 235 mg in 100 grams of salmon
Salmon is a well-known source of Omega-3 fatty acids. When you buy salmon, make sure that it comes from environmentally friendly farmers. If you happen to get wild caught salmon, you may consider yourself lucky as it is even richer in vital minerals.

White Beans
Calcium content: 63 mg n ½ cup of cooked beans
White beans are also an excellent source of protein for the vegetarians. Beans are packed with a lot of fiber, iron, potassium, and healthy carbohydrates that boost the metabolism.

Calcium content: 78 milligrams per 30 grams (about 25 whole almonds)
Almonds are among the healthiest nuts on Earth. They are very rich in protein and contain almost all essential amino acids. They are also packed with a lot of vitamin E and potassium. However, make sure you eat almonds that are not baked, otherwise you will lose a great part of their useful properties. Before consumption, you can also soak them in lukewarm water.