There is no girl, who dislikes having beautifully shaped nails in accordance with the latest fashion trends. There is such a variety of designs that you probably find yourself spoilt for choice, but there are some things you should take into account.
First of all, nails that have all colours of the rainbow might look nice but they are not too suitable if you have an official event in your schedule and you are supposed to wear a super elegant dress. In general, you have to match your manicure with your outfit in order to avoid inconveniences and black looks given to you at special events. You have probably never thought about it, but the manicure plays and important role in making you stand out from the crowd.
Personally, I like short, classic manicures because they are easy to maintain and do not pose a difficulty for performing your everyday tasks such as house cleaning or typing on the computer keyboard and the risk of having them damaged is lower.
French manicure and its variations remain all-time classic and below, you will find interesting and stylish nail designs divided into two main categories.
Special Event Manicure
No matter if you are planning to go out with the girls or you are going to the wedding of your best friend, take a look at these design ideas.
Everyday Manicure
If your job requires you to meet hundreds of people every day or there is an established dress code in the office, you have to stick to my favourite design – namely short, classic nails without too many decorations.