Wenqing Yan is a US-based freelance digital artist and graphic novelist, studied Practice of Art in UC Berkley. Dedicated art lovers must be familiar with her work under the artist nickname Yuumei.

Yuumei defines herself as "a disillusioned idealist". Her purely amazing artworks focus on smart and deeply engaging topics such as cyber activism and environmentalism. Yuumei is author of plenty of graphic novels, including: Father, Rumination, 1000 Words, and the short autobiographies Live Without Heaven and A Tale of ABC&D.

Yuumei specializes in digital art, however, when she is not working on a project, she loves spending time hiking and sculpting and also, feels very passionate about experimenting with aquaponics, science, nature, anime, hackers and mind games. She enjoys the music of 30 Seconds to Mars, Radwimps, Bjork and Johann Pachelbel.

Yuumei has one more occupation apart from her drawings. She is currently running the successful company Axent Wear Cat Ear Headphones offering unique models considered amazing piece of tech art. Leave no room for doubt, these models created by Wenqing Yan took headphones design up to the next level.
If you would like to learn more about this seriously talented digital artist visit her profiles on: DeviantArt / Facebook / Twitter