American Woman Has Bought An Island In Cambodia And Turned It Into A Luxury Resort

See the incredible story of Melita Koulmandas Hunter - 9 years ago by

A couple from the USA proved that the American Dream is possible even outside the American borders. Melita Hunter moved to South East Asia to visit her husband who had been offered an advertising position in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. The couple planned to move to New York after a year, but then in 2005, Melita purchased an island for the bargain price of just $ 15,000. This is like the rent for a flat in New York for half a year. For that price, they got all rights to the Island for 99-years lease. Therefore, technically the island is not their property and they have to leave somewhere in 2105.

Melita told Yahoo Travel: “My husband and I moved to Cambodia in 2005 for a 12-month adventure and ended up staying 10 years”  

The name of the Island is Song Saa and it is located 18 miles off the coast of Sihanoukville. In the course of just 10 years, the couple managed to turn the Song Saa Island into a luxury piece of Paradise. They built 27 magnificent villas, designed by Melisa herself and made of recycled materials such as driftwood, wood from old boats, scrap metal and stone. You can visit the island only with a boat or a helicopter. Island’s restaurant gained worldwide popularity because of all the international awards it received.

The price for a night in one of the luxurious villas is around $ 800. You can also buy a villa for between $600,000 and $ 1, 7 million.



