Ivelina Blagoeva, a freelance abstract art and macro photographer based in Bulgaria, reveals the surprisingly amazing artistic side of ordinary water droplets. Some might say such theme seems of less importance, but Blagoeva proves the opposite by delivering originally-created images of coloured water droplets.

With the help of flowers, bugs, spider webs and branches this Bulgarian photographer has managed to transform ordinary water drops into magnificent piece of art, providing one more unusual view of nature’s qualities. Furthermore, these innovative photos carry an insightful message: it would be great mistake not to appreciate small things in life, because it's the insignificant at first sight things, that in many occasions matter the most.

The world of water drops has never seemed as amazing and magical as is represented by contemporary macro photography. Blagoeva’s image series are truly phenomenal, for which they deserve deep appreciation.
Learn more about Ivelina Blagoeva’s photography work: Facebook / 500px / Fotoblur