Alcohol Addiction

- 9 years ago by

It is wildly contradictory that for the last few hundred years, alcohol has served one of the main methods of entertainment for people across the world. Especially in countries like the United Kingdom, where a drinking culture is getting steadily worse all the time, it is hard to point out the dangers of alcohol.

Alcohol has many positives, if handled moderately and thought of as the drug that it is. Sadly, many people cannot control themselves and this leads to alcoholism or Alcohol Addiction. Alcohol addiction is literally somebody who cannot stop drinking.

We all know somebody who is a serious smoker, who spends all of their time smoking. When something goes good, they have a ciggy to celebrate. When they are stressed, they need one to calm them down. Well, alcoholism affects people every bit as seriously and arguably more.

Smoking will, for some, kill them. Some people smoke fifty cigarettes a day for eighty years and die of natural causes. Some people smoke two a day for a year and die of serious lung cancer. However, alcoholism offers a much more serious depravity and addiction process. Smokers will feel stressed out, they will struggle to break the pattern of lighting up a cigarette, but they can still function with enough determination.

However, somebody with alcohol addiction simply cannot stop. And this is extremely dangerous. Spirits, like whiskey or vodka, will simply tear your innards apart as you drink more and more of it. Many people find that alcohol addiction leaves them in a state for the remainder of their lives. Getting over the damage that constant drinking will do to you is a long-term process, and sadly for some it is too late.

So what are the main things you need to watch out for with Alcohol Addiction? How do you know if you are going down a dark path?

You Wake Up Thinking Of Drink

One of the first signs as an alcoholic is that you wake up in the morning and the first thing you think about is a drink. Alcohol is every bit as addictive as other drugs, and if you allow it then it will control your life. If you find that you wake up in the mornings thinking of a drink, then you need to seek help for alcohol addiction.

You Turn To Drink For Help

Just like the smokers described above, if you find that alcohol or drink is your go to solution for any of lives positives or negatives, then you need to consider the possibility that you are now an alcoholic. Celebration MUST have drink involved to these people, just the same as times of mourning will be full of drink. If you turn to alcohol in times of good or bad, then you have a problem.

You Have A Family History

Sadly, most alcoholics run in the family. If your father before you suffered from drinking problems, then you may do as well. In fact, children of alcoholics are four times as likely to develop a dependence on drink. Frankly, if it runs in the family you should do your best never to touch a drop.

Mental Suffering

Many studies show that alcoholics, or those addicted to alcohol, will have a much more desperate personality. Your ups are great, you feel amazing and your life is perfect. However, your dark days are the worst. It is common for alcoholics to suffer from drug misuse, anxiety and depression.

So how do you stop yourself from suffering from the dangers of alcohol addiction?

Take Regular Breaks

You can tell almost instantly if alcohol is grabbing a hold of you, from the way you feel after a night out. If you feel rough, for the majority of people that is enough to put them off drinking for a while. However, if you drink enough to not really get a hangover then you need to be looking at yourself. By taking regular breaks, you can turn down your tolerance and even more importantly your dependence on alcohol.

Think About It!

This is fairly self-explanatory. Do you really want to hurt your family and your friends by going down this route? If you feel like you are enjoying a drink too much, or you are going out too regularly, then you need to consider the consequences of your actions, and really think about who is going to get hurt in the long-term. The NHS in the UK believes that around 9% of men and 4% of women struggle from alcohol addiction. It also believes that in 2010, more than 6,600 people died purely on alcohol related issues.

These two steps above are fairly simple but they really are two of the most effective. Alcohol addiction can ruin your life, whether you just stick to beer or hit the spirits hard, and it will cause you serious harm in both your relationship with others and your professional life. Alcohol addiction is an extremely powerful thing, and not in a good way. Make sure that if you are turning to the demon drink for any reason, you need to cut it out of your life.

The minute you start turning to a drug like alcohol for help is the moment you need to find professional aid. If you are suffering from alcohol addiction today, then consider going to Alcoholics Anonymous meetings. They offer an outstandingly personal way to beat your demons and move on with your life, leaving your troubles past behind you.