Although zombies do not really exist (for now), many people and even scientists are concerned about which would be the safest place to hide. The American nation, in particular, is obsessed with the idea of a zombie outbreak and for many people this is a very real thing.
For example, the University of Cornell conducted a research in which they have determined that the safest place for Americans in case of zombie apocalypse will be the Rocky Mountains. Their research showed that the safest places would be anywhere but in the center of major cities. Well, I cannot argue with that one. Of course, you will want to go in some desolate mountain and hide from all the zombies.
First, you need a group because you cannot make it alone. You have to find a group of at least 5-10 people, in which you will want one doctor, a hunter and police officer or marine. You will need some guns and a lot of ammos. Just like in the “The Walking dead”, I would break into some police station and take all their guns and ammo. Unfortunately, you will eventually run out of ammos and you will need to use an axe, a machete or a katana like the Michonne.
Well, logically Rick Grimes and company can climb and hide somewhere in the mountain and just wait until all the zombies get rotten and they are no longer able to move. They will have to eat berries and hunt for animals or the other option is to hide behind tall walls like in some prison or a military base.
So far, Rick Grimes has managed to keep the most of the group in safe. Unfortunately, prisons turned out to be a bad idea as we all saw in season 3 and 4. Well, the prison could be a good hideout place for the group, but the Governor ruined the whole place. After the prison, they moved into the Terminus. Now, in season 6, it looks like they have finally found what they have been looking for in the Alexandria Safe Zone.
However, do you wonder if there are some safer places other than a prison or close communities out there? Well, here are some hypothetical places where Rick and his group should check out.
# 1. Area 51
What a better place to hide than a top-secret military research facility? The chances are there will be surviving military personnel and CIA agent with a lot of gun power. Besides, Area 51 is located in the middle of the Nevada desert 86 miles north-west from Las Vegas. This means that the zombies will probably dry out before they even reach the base. Not to mention that Area 51 is surrounded by a fence.
# 2. Some Deserted Island
Now this is too obvious, they will need some desolate place with no human population. They just have to find some boat and a sea map. Of course, the show will get boring so that is probably why they did not come up with that idea so far.
# 3. Cold Mountaintop
So far, in the show we did not see zombies walking in the snow. They shoot all episodes in the summer and conveniently skip the winter season. That is because the entire zombie army will freeze. We don’t know if walkers are able to regulate their temperature but since they are dead I guess they can’t. I don’t know why Rick didn’t go in some high cold mountaintop and just wait for a few years until the zombies are rotten. However, this scenario will be boring as well because there will not be any zombies in a zombie TV show, which makes no sense whatsoever.
# 4. Canada
As I said, cold weather is the best way to protect from zombies. Therefore, Canada’s northern territories are the perfect hideout place. In addition, Canada is not as populated as the United States, for that reason there will be fewer zombies.
# 5 Military Bases
Just like in Area 51, they need to get behind high walls. What a better place to hide and seek protection than in a heavy-duty fence perimeter, full of supplies and guns. There will also be enough land to grow crops and farm animals. In my opinion, this is the best place to be in the middle of a zombie outbreak.
There are many safe places both inside and outside the USA border. The main thing Rick and his crew should remember is to get in some less populated place with extremely cold or super warm weather. As already mentioned, the show will get boring if they do not face constant danger from zombie attacks and this is what this show is all about.