5 Of The Biggest Hypocrites Seen In Film

- 9 years ago by

Anakin Skywalker

Oh dear me, how very very wrong this turned out. If your whole premise hangs on things like prophecies why even make a film, a whole trilogy even, trying to explain them? There is a prophecy that Anakin was The Chosen One and he will shift the balance in one of the two directions, he couldn't handle the burden and fell on the wrong side, the end. Oh, but there needed to be something other than special effects, something to play with human emotions, this is where the romance came from.

Anyway to cut a long story short, after falling in love for no reason but because The Force told him too, Anakin goes on a mass murdering rampage indiscriminately killing everyone Palpatine tells him to, kids included, all to keep his girlfriend alive, who dies anyway but our hero doesn't even look into the details. The end.

 Where is the hypocrisy you ask? In the very same movie he expressed his desire to help out a fellow solder. Right after in the previous one he slaughtered a bunch of sand people "like animals". Kids included too. Come to think of it, the guy could just be clinically insane, can explain a lot of things.


The Protagonists From The Second Jurassic Park Movie

Simply put, this film went too far. Our protagonists hate guns and don't want to hurt anything, hungry dinosaurs included. This is a good rule to live by, right? Stupid, yes, but they are good guys and need to show the world their goodness and pacifistic ideology. If they were by themselves I guess it would be fine.

Cue the bad guys, who are trying their best to get a hold of their escaped dinosaurs. What the good guys do? Sabotage their weapons  and equipment  of course, indirectly causing every death on screen. This.......was not very pacifistic. Bonus points for their claim that genetically engineered vicious dinosaurs must roam the wilderness free and don't get to be hurt when they attack humans(easily done when the humans in question are helpless). Even more bonus points for watching approvingly how the bad guy gets eaten alive by a baby Tyrannosaurus.

Of course in the end they are the ultimate heroes.


Bill From Twister

This guy should be an example in all honesty. Not every movie needs to have a villain. For god's sake, we already have tornadoes, which are filling the role just fine. They are big, noisy, scary and our heroes must defeat them. It makes complete sense!

Not really, mainstream movies need their cliches to keep them going and one of them was simply not enough. Estranged couple getting together was the first one, having a human villain(Jonas) to compete against was the second.

The thing is, the bad guy wasn't even bad. Like at all. His only sins were taking corporate money, riding on fancy black cars and being smug towards Bill. Bill on the other hand left the business on his own free will just to came back out of nowhere and depends entirely on his gut feeling to guess where tornadoes will form. Yeah seriously, if I had a choice I'd choose Jonas over Bill every time. Hell, they were both  working towards the same goal anyway.

Oh well, Jonas dies because this is what he deserves and Bill punches him beforehand to drive the point home that yes, he is indeed the morally superior guy. Give me a break.


Every Good Guy From Twilight

You think this is an exaggeration? I dare you to watch the movies/read the novels then! The center of the world is called Bella and oh yes, she is indeed the literal center. There are two things in this world - things that happen to Bella and things that happen to everyone else. If it is about Bella, we will go out of our way to help her out and make her the most content and wanted woman in the universe, if it is not about Bella we might as well just sit on our asses, and do nothing. But we are still the good neighborhood veggie vampires!

And this is not even mentioning The Sun in Twilight - Queen Bella herself! Being Stephanie Meyer's pet, it is very easy to understand how no matter what the character says or does, she'll always be in the right. Even when the other side has some good points. Honestly, I just don't feel like discussing Bella at length, so I'll leave this here instead:

" Bella has a rather telling moment in Eclipse when the Cullens know a battle with a large group of hostile vampires is coming, and Bella finds out that vampires become a little stronger if they feed on human blood versus the Cullens' normal diet of animal blood. She realizes she's perfectly okay with condemning someone to death if it slightly improves the odds of her boyfriend surviving the battle."


Steven Seagal

There is one simple rule when it comes to Steven Seagal - the more freedom he gets, the more hypocritical his main character becomes. He is the man, he is the master, he is the perfect macho, who can't lose a fight or get seriously hurt. The next level was him giving us some wonderful environmentalist messages.

On Deadly Ground, his funniest film to date, features two loving examples of his unbeatable logic(although there are probably more). The first one is when some bad dudes harass a couple of ethnic people. Eskimos? Anyway, our man Seagal immediately jumps into action, breaking arms and kicking balls. Literally of course. The scene ends with him being a complete bully towards the leader of the "bad guys", torturing him in a worse way than the guy did earlier. It all ends with the crowd cheering and Seagal walking away like he taught some very important moral lesson. Obviously, he wrote it all himself.

The second one shows our hero blowing up an oil rig and creating environmental disaster, the very thing he was so against. This comes after he refuses to go to the authorities and decides to kill everyone, and blow stuff up instead. Of course this glorious example gives him the right to talk in front of some supposedly big world leaders(?) about how the nature needs us. And this goes on for about 20 minutes. It is brilliant in its hilarity!