# 10 - Blakiston’s Fish Owl
As its name implies, this owl is a great fisher. Blakiston’s Fish Owl is a subgroup of eagle owls that are specialized hunting in the areas between the river margins. They are named after the English naturalist Thomas Blakiston, who first collected the original specimen in Hokkaidō, Japan in 1883.

# 9 – Martial Eagle
Martial Eagle (Latin name - Polemaetus bellicosus) is one of the largest species of eagles on Earth. It lives in open and semi-open habitats of sub-Saharan Africa. The average length of the body is 78-96 cm, the weight is anywhere between 3 and 6.2 kg and the wingspan is 188-200 cm. This bird of prey can be very dangerous to humans and animals alike.

# 8 – Steller’s Sea Eagle
Steller’s Sea Eagle is a very large bird of prey in the Family of Accipitridae, found in the coastal northern Asia. The menu of the bird is mainly fish and water birds. Steller’s Sea Eagle is one the heaviest eagles on Earth, females weigh about 5 to 9.5 kg while the males are much lighter. Their weight ranges between 4,9 and 6.8 kg.

# 7 – Cassowary
Cassowaries are endangered species and they are very large flightless birds. They are native to the tropical forests of New Zealand and northeast Australia. Adult Cassowary can be 1.5 to 1.8 meters tall, although some female reach 2 meters, and weigh more than 58 kilograms. They have very strong legs with big sharp claws. They are territorial animals, which makes them very dangerous.

# 6 – Ostrich
The Ostrich (Latin name - Struthio camelus) is the largest flightless bird on Earth. They are native to Africa savanna. Because of their long neck and legs, they are also the tallest birds reaching more than 2.8 meters above the ground. Although they are flightless, their long legs give them an ability to run with a speed of more than 70 km/h.

# 5 – Rhea
Rhea is another big flightless bird native to South America, related to Ostrich and Emu. Their name comes from the Greek Titan Rhea. Males are larger than females reaching 170 centimeters height and weight about 40 kilograms. Like all flightless birds, Rheas are territorial and dangerous.

# 4 – Philippine Eagle
The Great Philippine Eagle a.k.a. a monkey-eating eagle lives in the Philippine forests. In terms of the wingspan, this is world’s second largest eagle, reaching 2.2 meters. The largest specimens weigh about 8 kilograms.

# 3 – Eurasian Eagle Owl
Eurasian Eagle Owl is a predatory solitary and nocturnal (they are night hunters) bird of prey. They are native to Asia and Europe. Largest reported Eurasian Eagle Owls weighed 4.3 kilograms with a wingspan of 2 meters. They are capable of eating other birds of prey like hawks and some kinds of eagles. Eurasian Eagle Owl may look cute, but this is a very dangerous animal.

# 2 – Condor
There are two species of Condors – Andean Condor and the California Condor. They are among world’s largest flying birds. Their wingspan reaches the mind-blowing 3.1 meters, and they weigh up to 11 kilograms. Unfortunately, condors are endangered species.

# 1 – Bald eagle
The Bald Eagle is the most famous and iconic bird of prey in North America. Their natural habitat includes most of the Canada, Alaska, contiguous United States and northern Mexico. Their diet consists mainly of fish, which they snatch from the water with their sharp claws. Bald eagles make the biggest nest, up to 4 m deep, 2.5 m wide and more than 1.1 tons in weight. The largest recorded bald Eagles reach 4.2 kilograms and 63 cm height. Their wingspan is smaller than the Californian Condor’s, but it is still the solid 2.3 meters, which makes it the third biggest eagle in the world.