The Emo style is as we all know the urban name for the culture with the dark colors and undertones that takes inspiration from its so called big brother “The Goth”. This style is preferred by more and more teenagers around the world these days and it seems to be getting its trendiness from the various interesting hairstyles. Here we will give you a list of all the various intriguing emo hairstyles that you can probably try on.
The Simpleton

This is the perfect style if want to just try “it” out and are not into the hardcore emo culture, as this will be as formal as you can get with this kind of style. Maybe it is not exactly the definition of “emo” but it can still be considered as one. It’s pretty easy too – just blend gently two or more contrasting colors and add some undertones to get a bigger effect.
Long Braids

Again a much softer version of the style, this one is for sure not the typical emo haircut with the scattered locks all across the forehead and part of the face and the sharp ended locks but it has a lot of similarities and is definitely based on the style and once again gives a more classy and formal look. You can achieve this more formal modification just by going for those soft braids from the back of the locks and braid it neatly all the way down.
The Ribbon

In this version the hair starts off in a fluff but the layers are much shorter than the ones on top and it is straightened out with a long lock and the fringe brushed aside to cover the forehead and a part of the face. Then just add a ribbon on one side. It will give you a more feminine look or if the color is more childish it may even bring a feel of more girlish and innocent look.
Funky Emo

A proper emo style haircut is always full of lots of layers. Another thing that is almost always seen in that kind of style is the feather type of cut. But here we are going a level up, mixing some of the typical emo stuff with the more funky and sharp edges and multicolored messy top to get that all new and exciting look.
The Bandana

This one is a cute and creative way to accessorize your emo hairstyle. It is pretty easy to do – first off divide the hair into the two sides, then separate the longer locks and the ones in the front that are left are isolated with the bandana and is then tied at the back of the head.
The Dual Hues

The more colors you have in your hair, the more emo look you get. Here the point is to mix two absolutely contrasting and yet still captivating and generally attractive colors and tones that are blending in perfect unison. The whole hair remains naturally styled with the different tones blending at the edges.
The Curly Emo

This is one more of the softer versions. Even though here we have the emo styling, the hair still keeps its bouncy curls, very heavy at the front and toning down softly forming a shape of waves to the end.
The Front Bangs

Probably the only exception in the emo style where the hair at the front is not tossed aside to cover a part of the face and the eye in particular but it is rather left as a fringe that covers the whole forehead, very similar to the Chinese front bang style. But again, the hair keeps the usual bang on the front.
Emo with Ponytail

Here we have a typical emo style fashioned with side brushed hair covering a part of the face with the sharp, unevenly cut locks on the other side but kept properly tied at the back into a ponytail.